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Michigan Township Association

January 14

Who we are

The Michigan Townships Association was formed in 1953 as a unified voice representing Michigan’s township governments. Nearly seven decades later, we are the largest community of local government officials in the state, and one of the largest in the nation. More than 99% of Michigan townships are Association members, signifying their commitment to the continuation of strong, vibrant local government.

Among our member services are advocacy, representing township government before state and federal lawmakers and decision-makers, advocating for legislation and policies that benefit townships and against those harmful to local democracy; information, answering member questions on statutory requirements and providing advice and information on issues they face; and education, offering training and resources to build knowledge and skills related to the core competencies required of a township official.

We are not a governmental or regulatory entity, and do not provide oversight over Michigan township administration or governance. We are a voluntary membership, 501(c)4 not-for-profit corporation serving the government closest to the people.

Our mission

The Michigan Townships Association advances local democracy by fostering township leadership and public policy essential for a strong and vibrant Michigan.

Value statements

  • Build on past traditions and uphold values unique to the township way of life
  • Promote the integrity of township government through knowledgeable, ethical, trustworthy, and accountable elected and appointed officials who are dedicated to democratic principles and sound fiscal management
  • Embrace integrity as the cornerstone upon which the public’s trust is built
  • Recognize and celebrate the unique virtues of township government
  • Promote an involved citizenry that appreciates and supports townships, and respects those who serve as public officials
  • Encourage local leaders to treat citizens with respect, dignity and fairness
  • Enhance access to information and materials to ensure that elected and appointed local officials acquire and apply the necessary knowledge to contribute positively to their townships and society
  • Facilitate productive working relationships with the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government and other organizations with whom our Association interacts
  • Maintain high standards in the programs and services made available through the Association, including endorsed products and third-party relationships
  • Encourage officials and citizens to work together for positive change in townships
  • Create a future for townships to benefit those generations that will follow


January 14


Blue Water Convention Center
800 Harker St
Port Huron, MI 48049 United States
+ Google Map