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American Legion Department of Michigan Winter Meeting

February 6 - February 9

About Us

The American Legion, Department of Michigan has been providing Veterans help with obtaining benefits since 1919.  Through coordinated partnerships with other veteran service organizations, county Veteran service offices, and the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency we provide assistance to all Michigan veterans, spouses and family members.

Our service officers are accredited with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and receive training throughout the year on the benefits veterans are entitled.  New benefits are added, and some benefits discounted during a legislative session.

Combined we have over 125 years of experience on staff to help with your claim.

How is the American Legion, Department of Michigan Veteran Services Division funded?

There are 2 main sources of funding, the first from each individual organizations membership.  The second source of funding comes in the form of grants from the State of Michigan, budget.  These grants were created from Senate Bill 250 which became Public Act 112 in 2009.  The Act may be viewed here: PA 112

We work with Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, who oversees the grant money and the work we do.  The budget for these grants falls under the Department’s budget and the Military and Veterans Affairs Committees in the House and Senate.

County Veteran Service Offices

The American Legion, Department has partnered with the Michigan Association of County Veterans Counselors helping to file and monitor the claims the counties submitted on behalf of the veterans.



February 6
February 9


Blue Water Convention Center
800 Harker St
Port Huron, MI 48049 United States
+ Google Map