First Line Allegiance
January 31 - February 1
First Line Allegiance is a nonprofit organization created by two brothers with a passion for hunting and committed to offering 2-day guided fair-chase hunting opportunities to the first line military veterans and retired police and firefighters who dedicated their lives to our freedom and protection.
Growing up, Dan and Norm Snyder followed their father’s footsteps as hunters, heading out before the sun and returning after dark. As they’ve grown, their passion for hunting has continued to connect them, as they pass the tradition along to their children. Now these brothers have a way to share the joy of nature and the roots of providing with veterans and retired police and firefighters. First Line Allegiance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to giving back to those who no longer have the time, equipment, or means to cultivate hunting property all year, but want to keep the hunting tradition alive. The proceeds from First Line Allegiance events will go to awarding several 2-day guided hunts throughout the season.